1. Make sure the motor has not been used for at least one hour to avoid electric shock.
2. Cut off the items which are attached on the motor.
3. Loosen the screws on the steel case and then remove the case.
4. Use a pair of wire cutters or chop saw to cut off one side of the copper winding, and then pry the winding out by using a screw driver on the other end.
5. Now you get the copper winding. You can go further to recycle the aluminum and steel in the motor.
However, salvaging motors by this way is labor intensive. If you have rich resources of scrap motor, you might consider a fast way to scrap the copper winding. Good news is that, there are machines special designed for recycling copper winding in the motor stator.
Electric Motor Recycling Machine
Electric motor recycling machine consists of two machines, copper wire cutting machine and copper wire pulling machine. The cutting machine cuts one end of the copper winding, while pulling machine pulls the winding out.
The recycling machine has high efficiency but only consumes quite small amount of power. It can dismantle motor stator with the diameter of 6cm-50cm. There are no damage to the silicon steel case.
The copper winding are not bare, but are generally coated in enamel, which protect the wire from shorting itself out. The copper content in a scrap motor varies according to the types of motor. Averagely, an AC motor contains 7-9 percent of copper.